Beards Win: Science Proves Women Prefer Facial Hair
Discover why beards win: scientific evidence confirms that women are more attracted to facial hair.

Do you have a beard? If so, you may be pleased to hear that a recent study has confirmed what you’ve long suspected – women love facial hair.

Yes, you read that right. According to research from the University of Queensland, women find bearded men more attractive than their clean-shaven counterparts. But it’s not just about looks – the study suggests that women perceive bearded men as more mature, masculine, and socially dominant, making them a desirable partner.

But before you start growing out your beard, it’s worth noting that not all women prefer facial hair. While the study suggests that women’s preference for beards is an evolutionary trait, some women still prefer a clean-shaven look.

So, what’s the deal? In this article, we’ll explore the findings of the study and shed some light on what women really think about facial hair. Whether you’re a bearded man looking for some validation or a clean-shaven guy curious about the science behind women’s preferences, read on to discover the truth about beards and attraction.

Key Takeaways

  • Women find bearded men more attractive than clean-shaven men.
  • Bearded men are perceived as more mature, masculine, and socially dominant, making them desirable partners.
  • Evolutionary psychology suggests that beards signal physical and social dominance, which is a desirable trait in a partner.
  • Personal grooming habits and confidence are key factors in attraction, and a well-groomed beard can be just as attractive as a clean-shaven face.

Attractiveness and Preference

You’ll be pleased to know that women generally find men with beards more attractive and prefer them over clean-shaven faces, according to a study from the University of Queensland.

The psychology behind attraction plays a significant role in this preference. Women perceive men with beards as more mature, masculine, and socially dominant, which are qualities that make a man a good father and protector, desirable in a partner.

Additionally, cultural influences on beauty standards can also play a role in this preference. In many cultures, men with beards are seen as more attractive and desirable.

However, it’s important to note that not all women prefer beards, and that clean-shaven faces can also be attractive to some women. Ultimately, personal preference plays a significant role in attraction.

The study’s findings simply suggest that, on average, women find men with beards more attractive than those without. Understanding these preferences can provide insight into the psychology of attraction and inform personal grooming choices.

Evolutionary Explanation

If you want to understand the evolutionary reasons behind why some men with facial hair are more attractive to women, it’s important to consider the biological and social factors that shape our perceptions of masculinity and dominance.

Evolutionary psychology suggests that beards signal physical and social dominance, which is a desirable trait in a partner. It’s believed that women have evolved to prefer bearded men because they’ve historically been associated with higher testosterone levels and stronger immune systems.

However, cultural differences also play a role in women’s preference for beards. In some cultures, beards are seen as a sign of wisdom and maturity, while in others they’re a symbol of rebellion and nonconformity.

In Western cultures, beards have become associated with masculinity and ruggedness, which may explain why women in these cultures find them more attractive. Ultimately, while there may be some universal evolutionary reasons behind women’s preference for beards, cultural factors also play a significant role in shaping our perceptions of facial hair.

Variations in Preferences

When it comes to what catches your eye, like a moth to a flame, the way a man styles his facial hair can be as important as his outfit or demeanor.

While studies have shown that women generally prefer men with facial hair, it’s important to note that preferences can vary based on cultural influences and personal grooming habits.

For example, in some cultures, a clean-shaven face is seen as more attractive and professional.

Additionally, personal grooming habits can also play a role in attraction. A well-groomed beard can be just as attractive as a clean-shaven face, while an unkempt beard may be a turn-off.

Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to find a style that suits them and makes them feel confident, as confidence is a key factor in attraction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any cultural or regional variations in women’s preference for facial hair?

Cultural influences and historical perceptions play a role in women’s preference for facial hair. Studies have shown that in some regions, clean-shaven faces are more attractive, while in others, beards are more desirable. These preferences may also change over time.

Do women’s preferences for beards change with age?

Do women’s preferences for beards change with age? According to a study, women’s preferences for facial hair do vary with age. Societal perceptions also play a role, and facial hair grooming can impact attractiveness and self-confidence.

Are there any specific beard styles that women find more attractive than others?

When it comes to beard styles, women prefer well-groomed and maintained facial hair. Beard grooming and care are important factors in attracting women. However, the study does not specify a particular style that is more attractive.

How do men with patchy or sparse facial hair fare in terms of attractiveness to women?

You may be worried about sparse facial hair, but fear not. While women generally prefer well-groomed beards, there are alternative looks. Studies suggest confidence and individuality are key. Experiment with styles and find what suits you best.

Is there any correlation between a man’s level of facial hair and his perceived level of social status or success?

Your level of facial hair may impact perceptions of masculinity and social status, but it depends on gender norms and beard grooming. Data suggests beards can enhance attractiveness and success, but well-maintained facial hair is key.


So, you have it – science has confirmed that women prefer men with facial hair. The study from the University of Queensland found that women perceive bearded men as more attractive, mature, masculine, and socially dominant, making them a desirable partner.

However, it’s important to note that not all women share this preference, and some prefer a clean-shaven look. But what does this preference for facial hair really mean?

Perhaps it’s a sign of our evolutionary past, where men with big, long beards were seen as more capable of providing and protecting their families. Or maybe it’s just a cultural trend that has developed over time. Regardless of the reason, it’s clear that beards have become a symbol of masculinity and attractiveness in the eyes of many women.

In conclusion, if you’re a man with a beard, you may be in luck when it comes to attracting a partner. But remember, preferences vary from person to person, and ultimately, it’s important to be comfortable in your own skin and not rely solely on your appearance to win someone over.

As the saying goes, ‘A beard may make a man look strong, but it’s his character that makes him a true gentleman.’ So, whether you’re sporting a beard or not, focus on being the best version of yourself and let your true character shine through.